Inner Game Of Placements

10 minutes read


Meenu Bhatia, Published on Oct 27th, 2021
Co-Founder - YUGMA & VANS Skilling and Advisory| ACC Coach| HR Transformation Expert

Inner Game Of Placements

The conversations of the last few weeks at YUGMA have been with multitude of students who are going to be stepping into a most important phase of their lives – the coveted interview that will land them their first job after their B-School stint and pave way for many dreams to come true and for many an opportunity to pay back the hefty loans taken to seek admissions in such schools. While there was excitement and hope in many conversations, some were heavily laden with disappointments, anxiousness and nervousness around the delays and 'lesser than the standard' compensation being offered by many companies. These conversations also reminded me of my B-School days where placements were not as fancy as in tier 1 colleges. It is disappointing for students when companies either do not turn up or when they do, either the roles or the compensation is not up to their self set benchmarks.

It is, in times like these, that one can shift the attention to something, Stephan Covey so beautifully described as the 'Circle of Influence'. Simply put, COI lists down everything that one can influence when the Circle of Concerns seem to be ever expanding. Double click it further, it's about everything that you can do to influence your own decisions and destiny and unfold it the way you want it to unfold. 

Friends passing out of graduate schools and B-Schools this year may find this useful: 

1. Continue to learn - Waiting for recruiters to spot you doesn't, in any way, mean that you stop growing. Add up a skill, do a certification, seek a mentor, write a paper., learn about the business and its elements. Do everything that helps you keep your learning curve up and sharp! This gives you an edge and a much needed poise to face the interview and also gives a recruiter an opportunity to see you as malleable and someone with a growth mindset.

2. Expand your search - Your first job or first salary doesn't define your path ahead. What defines it is how sharp your learning is. Try reaching out to start-ups, small but fast-growing companies or companies in social space where you can leverage your skills and make a meaningful impact. Companies trying to leap ahead will massively benefit from your skill sets and learning thus ensuring a win win for all. Also, there is no bigger learning then to be a part of a growth story and having a meaningful stamp to imprint in it.  An opportunity like this allows you to think and contribute like an entrepreneur thus building that muscle for future as well.

3. Design your own destiny – In the game of career, you are not a participant for a year or two. If you are here for a long haul, what will matter the most to you? What kind of learning would you like to acquire? Who would you like to have as your first mentor or a boss? Put that down and draw up a path to reach your desired goals. Be a product of your choices.

4. Sharpen your personal vibe - Your energy attracts things to you. Instead of feeling like a victim, be a warrior. Identify your passions, your favourite subjects and go deeper into them. Write about them on social media, highlight your strengths and continue to network with an energy that you are in charge of your dreams. BE what you intend to be! How will you 'BE' if you are already in your dream role? How will you talk, present, walk, feel? Embody those elements right now.

5. Know what will make you happy - Are you eyeing that role just because it pays you that hefty paycheck that will give you a momentarily good social standing or should you chase something that really makes your heart and soul look forward to work each day. Ask yourself this brutal question, answer it with utmost honesty and take a leap forward accordingly.

If at this moment you feel lost or confused, you are not the only one. We all do feel that way in our 30s, 40s and 50s. We are all figuring out life every day and its ok to do that. So do not beat yourself up. Acknowledge that you are lost and that you are also capable of finding your way through this maze, if you choose to. 

Choose what and who you want to focus your energies on as you wait to get placed. Some of these lessons are going to stay with you through your life so make these times worthwhile as well by embracing experiences, roles, people, mentors and projects that enhance you and uplift you and push you closer to your goals.

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